

Hi there! My name is Christopher Smith and I’m the lead author for change.walkme.com. I’m looking forward to sharing my thoughts on change management with you!

I started this blog to create a source for news and a forum for discussion on some of the issues, challenges, and ideas circulating in the change management world today. These ideas range from performance management, organizational transition, and migrating to new enterprise software to strengthening a particular department, preparing for change in leadership, and many more relevant topics. Ultimately, I try to answer the question of how to best prepare for, manage, and react to change.

The goal of this blog isn’t to one-directionally publish my opinions on change management. Rather, my goal is to create a discussion with my readers through open-ended, two-way dialogue. I want us to learn together.

I invite you to join as a guest blogger so that you may inspire others with your articles. If you’re interested, or have any questions, don’t hesitate to email me at Christopher.s@walkme.com.