Categories: Employee Experience

Employee Experience June 1, 2021

A Digital Offboarding Checklist for a Digital-First Workplace

A digital offboarding checklist can simplify the employee offboarding process – and having one is practically a necessity in...

Employee Experience May 31, 2021

A Comprehensive, 12-Point Employee Offboarding Checklist

In this post, we’ll outline a 12-point employee offboarding checklist that covers the key elements you should include in...

Employee Experience May 27, 2021

The Employee Journey Map: From Onboarding to Outboarding

HR managers can deliver tangible value to their organization by optimizing each stage of the employee journey, from recruitment...

Employee Experience May 26, 2021

Employee Offboarding: Definition and Top Benefits

Before designing an offboarding process, it’s first necessary to have a solid offboarding definition, and it’s also necessary to...

Employee Experience May 18, 2021

What to Include in Your Employee Offboarding Checklist

An employee offboarding process is a great way to ensure that you don’t forget any of the tasks that...

Employee Experience May 17, 2021

12 Employee Offboarding Tips to Improve the Exit Process

Employee offboarding is not something that every employer pays much attention to. But it is important, since offboarding can...