Change Management WalkMe TeamUpdated February 14, 2019

What is Case Management and Why Is HR Case Management Training So Important?

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What is Case Management and Why Is HR Case Management Training So Important?

We’re operating in a brand new business world where new initiatives arise by the second.

Companies must be receptive and flexibly adaptive if they’re to remain competitive in today’s industries.

Case management is a new concept which has revolutionized the HR sector, but what exactly is it and why do we need case management training?

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Let’s begin by diving into a definition of case management to establish grounds for the rest of the article.

Definition of Case Management

A collaborative process which revolves around planning, assessment, facilitation, evaluation, advocacy and more.

These facets play a critical role in HR, with special regards to the human element of business operations.

You’ve more than likely seen this model in action even if you haven’t heard of the term itself.

In layman’s terms, case management looks at employee inquiries and requests and discovers the best approach for managing them.

Modern technology has simplified the process considerably, allowing employees and HR teams to work harmoniously.

In yesteryear employees would have to track down their HR representative and pose a question to them, either via form, email distribution lists or verbally.

But these methods of contact don’t scale well, where staff can be left feeling disillusioned and confused.

When requests are fulfilled, employee well-being and morale receives an all-important boost.

Staff will consequently be incentivized to meet objectives and work in the company’s best interests.

This can be achieved when HR representatives are transparent with case handling, tracking notes, discovering methods for collaboration, and measuring their own performance.

HR leaders manage requests, but importantly learn how to optimize teams.

Unlocking the true potential of employees this is conducive to high performance.

Today’s technology has generated a central route for employees to submit requests which are routed to the right HR agent.

Now you’re familiar with case management, let’s take a look at why case management training is so important:

Why is Case Management Training Important?


Case management enables organizations to reduce the number of inquiries HR has to deal with.

Its tendency to increase the efficiency of requests is a result of helping employees to help themselves, rather than constantly leaning on HR for resolutions.

This is achieved with a knowledgebase that works in conjunction with your case management system.

With online access to a library of relevant information, employees can search accordingly and address whatever they need to know at the time.

With the advancement of algorithms, suggested forms can be presented for added convenience and relevance.

Your knowledgebase should be contextual, providing tailored advice which extends beyond conventional help.

It is with this level of personalization and self-service that a consumer-like experience for employees can be created.


Training enables participants to manage the technology that helps employee expectations be met.

Request forms and HR distribution lists are commonly perceived as a black hole, where little value can be extracted from the process.

But this is less true in today’s technological realm, where advancements have allowed the development of more efficiency systems.

Case management technology allows both employees and HR agents to monitor the progress of different cases.

This level of transparency is beneficial and reassuring for both parties, where progress can be monitored and agents can ensure employee needs are being met.


HR cases are complex at the best of times, often involving more than one person to reach a true resolution.

Case management permits enhanced collaboration, so the expertise of multiple staff members can be leveraged to reach a solution.

This channels the advanced capabilities of numerous employees, involving stakeholders who can contribute valuable input.

When HR representatives work together on tasks they can combine skill sets for maximum efficiency.

Collaboration is made simpler when organizations track task completion, capitalizing on advanced technology to resolve inquiries, requests, and other issues.


Today’s software tools can be leveraged to automate workflows.

Their application within case management is profound because they enable requests to be routed to where they can be most suitably handled.

Generic inquiries might be sent to a shared service center, while more specific requests are treated differently.

For example if someone sends in a payroll request, it can be automatically forwarded to a payroll specialist.

But automation has branched into even more expansive, adventurous and impressive norms than this.

Employees can submit forms which consequently initiate subsequent processes.

These can be used to kick off a series of tasks, with notifications generated for those involved.

Automation plays a role in both open-ended questions and routine forms, and can reduce some of the rudimentary man hours which can take up significant time and energy.

Issues are often resolved faster and more accurately as a consequence.

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