Change Management WalkMe TeamUpdated March 22, 2021

How the Right Organizational Effectiveness Jobs Can Boost Business Performance

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How the Right Organizational Effectiveness Jobs Can Boost Business Performance

The right organizational effectiveness jobs can boost business performance, organizational results, and company productivity.

In this article, we will look at:

  • Specific jobs and specialties that can streamline and improve organizational performance
  • Which roles in an organization have the biggest impact on organizational effectiveness
  • How to leverage the change management function to lift business results

To start off, though, it is a good idea to clarify what organizational effectiveness means.

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A Definition of Organizational Effectiveness

What is a good definition of organizational effectiveness?

Common definitions revolve around:

  • How efficiently and effectively an organization meets its goals
  • An organization’s ability to obtain and use resources
  • How well an organization meets the needs of its stakeholders
  • A set of business systems, such as leadership, communication, and production

Regardless of which model a company adopts, improved effectiveness in any business area contributes to the overall effectiveness of the organization.

For example, improvements to any of these business functions will positively contribute to an organization’s performance:

For that reason, we can say that virtually any job can have a positive or negative impact on organizational effectiveness.

However, it is clear that some jobs have more influence than others.

Which Organizational Effectiveness Jobs Have the Greatest Impact on Performance?

Some jobs have a more direct impact on organizational effectiveness, such as:

  • Executives and senior managers. Because business leaders make strategic decisions that affect the direction of the entire organization, they clearly play a decisive role regarding organizational effectiveness. When they lead and sponsor organizational improvement projects, they can play a significant role in raising an organization’s effectiveness.
  • Change managers. Change management aligns organizational changes with organizational strategy, then executes and manages those changes. Effective change management projects can improve organizational performance and effectiveness across virtually any business function or area. Or they can even make deep transformations to the structure of a business.
  • Consultants and specialists. Outside consultants, specialists, and agencies are also jobs that impact organizational effectiveness. When hired to perform organizational changes, for example, their primary job function is to improve a specific business area, process, or function.

However, it is also important to note that employees at every level of the organization play an important role in improving organizational effectiveness.

For instance, these job roles also affect organizational performance:

  • Senior managers. Senior managers, directors, and department heads affect the efficiency of their departments. The effectiveness of their individual departments, in turn, affects the overall effectiveness of an organization.
  • Managers. Managers can produce effective, productive teams – or they can have the opposite effect. Good management increases employee engagement, motivation, and teamwork, adding more value to the organization’s bottom line.
  • Individual employees. Finally, the individual employee also plays a role in organizational effectiveness. Because workers are the links in the production pipeline, their individual contributions make a difference in the results of that pipeline.

In short, every job in an organization affects organizational effectiveness. 

Generally speaking, though, the greater the responsibility, the greater its impact on organizational effectiveness.

How to Leverage Change Management to Improve Organizational Effectiveness

Every job and role can positively impact organizational results, as we have seen.

However, unless an organization specifically plans to make performance improvements, nothing will change.

Change managers, business leaders, and managers are in an ideal position to make organizational changes and improvements.

For example, with the right change management strategy, managers and business leaders can work together to improve:

  • The workforce. Workforce enhancements can come in many forms: better workforce engagement, higher skill levels, more employee motivation, a better employee experience, and so on.
  • Business processes. Inefficiencies are common in business, and there are many ways to reduce waste and streamline processes. Agile and lean business methods, for instance, can cut costs, shorten process timelines, and generate more profit.
  • Technology. In today’s digitally-driven economy, technology plays a significant role in every business. Modern digital tools, for example, can improve productivity, increase efficiency, automate tasks, provide data-driven business intelligence, and much more.
  • Individual business functions. Any area of business can be targeted for improvement. Improvements to employee training programs, for instance, can decrease training costs, increase employee proficiency levels, and improve software ROI.
  • Organizational climate and culture. The workplace experience also affects organizational effectiveness. This experience includes every interaction between an organization and its employees, from pre-hire communications to post-exit surveys. A streamlined workplace experience can help attract top talent, improve employee engagement, increase worker satisfaction, and more.

To recap, there are many ways to improve an organization’s effectiveness and performance.

As we have seen, there is no single job that can totally transform an organization’s performance. 

However, the right team of influencers – such as managers, change managers, and business leaders – can work together to enhance organizational performance and steer a business in the right direction.

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